Sense Lockers are made available by Sense Lockers Limited (the ‘Company’) to a User for short term storage of clothing, bags and other personal goods and charging personal phones (the ‘Purpose’ and ‘the Content’) at a venue (the ‘Venue’). These are the legal terms that govern the use of a Sense Locker (‘Locker’). They form the basis of an agreement between the Company and the User (the ‘Agreement’).

  1. Lockers are only available for access and/or use for the Purpose and only when the venue is open to the public.
  2. The User shall observe all of the Company’s and/or the Venue Staff’s written and/or oral instructions concerning use of the Locker.
  3. Before using a Locker, the User must check that the Locker is empty and clean and is in working order. Should the User either have any questions or find items in the Locker, then the User shall ask such questions and immediately pass such items to a member of the Venue Staff.
  4. The User must ensure that once Content has been deposited in the Locker, the Locker door is closed, and the lock engaged; the User shall confirm this is the case as requested on the touch screen.
  5. In the course of engaging the Locker’s lock, the User will provide fingerprint information. Such information is anonymized and stored only for the duration of the Locker use, after which it is destroyed.  The Company complies with all relevant data protection legislation.
  6. All Content is the User’s responsibility and is deposited at the User’s risk. The Company does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to Content and/or other items that is/are deposited in a Locker. Users should insure their Content; use of a Locker is not a substitute for adequate insurance of Content.
  7. The User may use the complementary charging facility that is a feature of some Lockers for personal electronic devices (eg. a personal mobile phone), on the following basis:
    • The Company does not warrant that charging facility will be effective
    • Devices shall not be charged in the same Locker as other Content and/other items are stored
    • Devices that draw more than 800 milliamps of charge must not be connected to a charging facility
    • The Company does not have any responsibility for damage sustained to devices via its charging facility or at all.
  8. Content and/or other items that might constitute a risk and/or nuisance and/or the possession of which is illegal, may not be stored in a Locker
  9. If the Company and/or Venue Staff identify Content and/or other items that, in their reasonable opinion, have been deposited in breach of these Terms, the Company and/or Venue Staff shall be entitled to remove and then either sell, destroy or otherwise deal with such Content and/or other items, at the User’s expense. The Company shall make a written record of all Content and/or other items that have been so removed and/or dealt with.
  10. If requested by the Police, the Company may, in its reasonable discretion, allow the Police to inspect the Content and/or other items that have been deposited in a Locker.
  11. Content can be deposited in a Locker for a maximum term of 30 hours, after which the Company shall be entitled to remove Content and/or other items which shall be held by the Venue for a period of 28 days after which the Company may dispose of the Content and/or other items in any way it deems appropriate. The User shall be responsible for any charges and/or expenses incurred by the Company for the storage and/or disposal of Content and/or other items and payment of such charges and/or expenses together with provision of proof of identity shall be a precondition of the User recovering the said Content and/or other items.
  12. If a User believes that some or all of the Contents have been stolen, they should:
    • notify a member of Venue Staff immediately, prior to leaving the Venue;
    • complete the form on the Company’s website within 48 hours of using the Locker; and
    • provide the reported crime number to the Company.
  13. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England; the courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute arising under or in connection with this Agreement.